If you think about it how many humans are on planet earth. What's the max capacity earth can support life with forest around the world shrinking? How many human beings are breathing? About a couple few BILLION more or less are alive today.
All these humans need to eat . Some people eat meats. Obviously we need air to breath.
Imagine how many farm animals are being raised to become food to be in grocery stores for us to buy?
You need, sarcastically speaking, the state of Idaho, Oregon and Washington to keep all the cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, and everything els to raise them to be processed over a period of time to become FOOD. Then they need to be fed. They need South Dakota and all the way down to Texas to grow the feed they need. Plus water to drink plus on top of all that food for human consumption.
All these millions of animals being raised produce carbon monoxide, and they produce methane gas from digestive process. On top of all this carbon monoxide and gases add it all together with the other pollution that comes from cars, trains, factories...
All that is just bad.
Could that be why we have a global warming problem? What's going to happen in the next 150 years? Think about it. In 1912 1.5 Billion humans were alive 100 years later in 2012 the population multiplied by 5 times more or less!
The planet is becoming hotter. Each year their is record breaking on how hot is it. Sooner rather than later the lows in weather will have record breaking on how high the temperature is at night.
All these billions of human beings should get together how they do at sporting events or global catastrophe like the 2004 Indian ocean tsunami. I bet all 7 plus billion people knew about the 2004 tsunami. I say we use social media and get together and help planet earth. In order for this to work every living human should do their part at the same time by helping the Planet. Weather it's recycling or turning off electricity when it's not being used, or go vegan for 3 days or more. May be in the next 150 years their might be a very small change in pollution and other aspects in global warming, global health and care.
I decided to blog about this topic when I watched on Netflix Cowspiracy. Got me wondering on many things now about the government. What do you think?