Last year I got 2 special little birdies for my birthday. I got two society finches. Lucy and Ethel. Just about a year later I got the girls a boyfriend That I named Dark Knight.
If you don't know anything about these birds is that there very social. Good foster parents for other finch birds. They are hard to make them to stop breeding. Give them the supplies they need with in weeks you'll have them incubating 4-6 eggs. Sexing them is hard to tell. You'll need to see who signs more. Males sing some females will too. Females just chirp for the most part. They cross breed with other finches. If you have a nest all of your birds will go in at night to sleep. It don't matter if you have 13 birds in a cage with one nest. Is what they do, they'll all cram in at night.
On July 9 on a Wednesday the first baby society finch hatched. I watched him move around blind helpless in the nest. A week before I had candle the eggs. Thats when I found out that most of these eggs were fertilized. It was a cool experience, you got to see their little heart beat. They laid 12 eggs and as of the 16th there ware 7 finches in the nest. I removed 3 or 4 of the eggs that didn't make it. One lil guy didn't make it. It was kicked out by the parents was found dead the morning when I feed them. I haven't a clue why that happen. Both moms and dad are good parents I'll do an update in a month when there all grown up.